What I and many others have found is social media is great, but all we see is other writers. Where are the readers? I love Substack, but it's a newsletter, and newsletters need readers first. What happened to book bloggers and reader groups and street teams? It seems like this side of the equation has dwi died to nothing.

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Great question (and one I addressed in my latest post). Social media mistake #1 - only following other authors. Sure, we're also usually avid readers but we do absolutely need to connect with our readers. All the options you mention are available and can thrive (especially on FB) if the readership demographic for your genre is there.

Otherwise, find other ways to connect (I like Booksweeps for subscriber growth).

Finally - social media is part of the 200+ Google ranking factors, so for now, it's still helpful for visibility.

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The timing of this piece is uncanny. Thank you for sharing. I'd like to dabble more in doing readings and voiceovers myself. I'm not sure it'll attract more readers, but it might...

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